Papi(PJ) DiNuzzo
The Spirit in me greets the Spirit in you.
My “Manifesting the Law of Attraction” message to you is one of hope, inspiration, abundance, and peace of mind. This is YOUR long lost “Secret” to success for you to Manifest Anything You Can Imagine.
No matter your past, you possess Universal “Creative Power” within you, and you can do this! In fact, you will find that every difficulty, problem, and challenge that you face carries within them your solution for their overcoming and even greater opportunities for your self-improvement, personal development, and quantum leap.
I AM so honored that we are starting a lifelong success-filled journey together. Take the leap and jump on board with me and let me be your “Ride or Die.” Find your flow and hitch a ride, the greatest ride of your life.
Manifestation Mindset Life Coach
Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author

As Seen On...

As Seen On...

My "Mission"

My Mission is to Inspire and Provide Free Mindset Teaching and Coaching to Underserved People,
Communities of Color, Single-Parent Households, and Women and Children in Need, to Manifest and Take Action
Through Self-Improvement and Personal Development in Order for Them to Create and Live Their “Best-Life.”
My "Why"

Drawing inspiration from the lives of the three most significant women in my life—my Grandmas Rose and Anna, and my mom, Phyllis, who each struggled with overwhelming adversity, my “Why” is to prevent any of my fellow brothers or sisters from enduring similar hardships. No one should live in poverty or feel fear, shame, hopeless, or full of despair. Regardless of your past, you are able to manifest your “Best-Life” no matter how negative or overwhelming you believe your current personal or financial problems to be.
My Life’s “Purpose”

Delivering hope, inspiration, abundance, and peace of mind, to underserved people, communities of color, and single-parent households, through food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, transportation, education, and most importantly Spirituality and Faith. I deliver this hope and inspiration to my fellow brothers and sisters, and especially women and children in need, through my biological family, my team family, my family of clients, my community family, and my Spiritual family…every single fellow brother and sister of mine on this planet earth.
What It’s About
You Possess “Creative Power.”
You are the Creator of Your Own Reality.
Using Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Intentions, “TFI’s,” to Bring Your Goal Into Your Physical Reality.
No Matter Your Past, You Can Do This!
Law of Attraction
Like Attracts Like.
Positive Thoughts are Magnets
for Positive Life Experiences.
Negative Thoughts are Magnets
for Negative Life Experiences.
It is an Infallible Universal Law and
Controls the Workings of Your Mind and the Manifestation of Your Desires.
Your Goal is More Positive and Less Negative.
What I Do
#1 Help You
#1a Help Our Fellow
Brothers and Sisters in Need
Free Access to Papi DiNuzzo to
Deliver an Inspirational Presentation(s) to Your Not-For-Profit Group or Organization in Need
Two Free, One-Hour
“Manifesting the Law of Attraction”
Webinar Presentations Per Month
Free Weekly:
“Concepts to Live By” Emails
Free Manifest Anything
You Can Imagine eBook
Free VEGGA Coin or VEGGA Card
Free Self-Confidence Formula
***Overall $5,000+ Coaching Value Available for FREE to Those in Need***
How You Can Help
Book Me to Speak with:
—Underserved People—
—Communities of Color—
—Single-Parent Households—
—Women and Children in Need—
—Colleges and High School Programs—
—Chambers and Local Associations—
—Not-For-Profit Groups & Organizations—
—Community-Centered Companies—
—ERG-Centered Companies—
—Values, Culture, and Mission-Driven Companies—
—Community-Centered Organizations—
—Community Leaders and Organizers—
—Veterans and Men in Despair—
—Shelters & Faith-Based Organizations—
Meet Papi(PJ) DiNuzzo
Manifestation Mindset Life Coach
Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author
Papi(PJ) DiNuzzo is the Founder and President of Papi MindsetCoach™, and DiNuzzo Private Wealth, Inc., which he founded in 1989, and which currently serves clients in over 30 states across the United States and manages $1.012 Billion Dollars, as of December 31, 2024. Through Papi MindsetCoach™, he delivers self-improvement and personal development by teaching people who desire to Manifest their dream lives even if they feel like they currently have nothing.
Papi’s passion is to inspire underserved people, communities of color, single-parent households, and women and children in need. His message is one of hope, inspiration, abundance, and peace of mind.
He’s been featured on various TV, Radio, Print, and Online Publications, both national and international, including the Oprah & Friends, Wall Street Journal, CNBC Power Lunch, Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, CBS News, USA Today, Private Wealth Magazine, Kiplinger, Barron’s, Morningstar, and the Financial Times.
He is also the #1 U.S. and #1 International Barnes and Noble, #1 Amazon Non-Fiction Overall, #3 C-Suite Network, #5 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller List, author of several books, including Manifest Anything You Can Imagine (English and Spanish), The DiNuzzo “Middle-Market Family Office” Breakthrough, Don’t Get Killed on Taxes, The Seven Keys to Investing Success, The Secret to Scale.
Manifest Anything You Can Imagine, by Papi(PJ) DiNuzzo is a motivational, mind/body/spirit, self-improvement, and personal development book that explores the power of your mind in achieving goals and manifesting dreams. Papi discusses The Law of Attraction and provides techniques for harnessing the subconscious mind, setting intentions, and using visualization to manifest desired outcomes in your life. His book emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, belief in oneself, and taking action towards achieving your dreams. It serves as a practical guide for anyone looking to unlock their potential to create a fulfilling life through the principles of manifestation and the Law of Attraction.

Tamara Zantell

Zandra Cunningham

Terri King Hunt

Kisha Martin-Riley

Mr. Joseph Sadera
Teacher, Freehold Primary School, Nakuru, Kenya, Africa

Mr. Kennedy Koech
Teacher, Freehold Primary School, Nakuru, Kenya, Africa

Topher Morrison
CEO, Topher Communications

Natalia Dikhtyar
CEO, NataDikhtyar Consulting

Karla Johnson
Transformational Coach, Public Speaker, US Army Veteran

Sam Wang
Management Consulting Senior Analyst, Accenture Strategy & Consulting, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Madam Pamela Ochieng
Teacher, Guidance Counselor, Freehold Comprehensive School, Nakuru, Kenya, Africa

Amazon Review (Kindle Customer)

Madam Yvonne
Teacher, Freehold Primary School, Nakuru, Kenya, Africa

Amazon (Tom K)

Amazon Review (Jud Randall)

Amazon Review (Nick Pavlidis)

Amazon Review (Niel J. Guilarte)

Amazon Review (Chris Krimitsos)

Amazon Review (Solange Roe)

Amazon Review (Connor S.)

Amazon Review (Blandivare)

Amazon Review (Lorenzo Xavier Cano)

Amazon Review (Marcos Butler)

Amazon Review (Viviana M.)

Amazon Review (Maria Hevia)

Amazon Review (Titus Carerra Kariuki)

Amazon Review (Blissful Reader)

Amazon Review (PumpnPuj)

Amazon Review (Loreen M)
My Books

Manifest Anything You Can Imagine
Manifest Anything You Can Imagine is unique in its earnest promise that anyone, irrespective of their background or present predicament, can realize optimal health, wealth, and happiness through consistent application of straightforward principles. From single mothers navigating scarce resources, individuals recovering from setbacks, or those battling self-doubt and fear, this book offers tangible strategies and inspiration. DiNuzzo’s work aims to alter generational trajectories and empower readers to unlock their potential and claim the life they truly deserve.

Manifiesta Todo lo que Puedas Imaginar

The Seven Keys to Investing Success

The DiNuzzo “Middle-Market Family Office” Breakthrough
More personal and business wealth exists in the world today than ever before, as privately held business owners creatively grow their companies. Unfortunately, the private wealth industry has not kept up and options for successful middle-market business owners are limited. Only the world’s wealthiest families have access to the expertise needed to truly achieve their business, personal, financial, and philanthropic needs. In The DiNuzzo Middle-Market Family Office Breakthrough, private wealth advisor P.J. DiNuzzo reveals the first and only structure through which he and a well-coordinated team of experts help middle-market business owners get the same level of service once only reserved for the ultra-wealthy. At DiNuzzo Private Wealth, Inc., we help you “Make it Your Best-Life!™“

The Secret to Scale
The most successful people in the world all had one thing in common. Each of them was surrounded by a team of specialists who could help them answer any question and solve any problem that came up. In The Secret to Scale, P. J. DiNuzzo and more than a dozen other business advisors come together to give you the same advantage shared by the most successful business leaders in history.

Don't Get Killed on Taxes
Many people get killed on their taxes each year, but that doesn’t have to be your story.
The average person doesn’t need a degree in business or accounting to avoid paying too much in taxes—they simply need to discover their misconceptions about taxes and create a plan to reduce those taxes over time. In Don’t Get Killed by Taxes, P. J. DiNuzzo and Steven Jarvis bust the most common myths that keep people paying too much in taxes. They share five simple building blocks that can save money and reveal twenty of the most common tax strategies to substantially reduce an individual’s tax burden.
"Give a Fish ... Teach to Fish ... delivering hope"
A "Paying it Forward" Self-Improvement and Personal Development Charitable Community Outreach Initiative
Founded, Supported, and Funded by DiNuzzo Private Wealth, Inc.
Where We Started... Where We Are Going...
Where We Started...
Where We Are Going...
I founded DiNuzzo Private Wealth, Inc. in 1989 with nothing but a dream, a commitment, a set of core values, and a belief system that have remained in place to today.
My Dream
I started with $0 in Assets Under Management. But I dreamed of building a Wealth Management firm that would help my fellow brothers and sisters in my family, neighborhood, state, country and points beyond and between achieve their goals, enjoy their Best-Life, and protect their families in a manner that they were not currently being served.
My intent was to make DiNuzzo Private Wealth the destination Wealth Management firm to provide peace of mind to my fellow brothers and sisters.
My Commitment
I grew up in and worked in our family restaurant and I was always very good with “numbers” and people but had no direct experience in the Private Wealth industry.
But I was committed to building DiNuzzo Private Wealth with a lot of effort, prayers, hope, and the simplest of a so-called business plan: genuinely help people with their personal finances and life goals, treat them like family, and maintain a steadfast faith that if my clients were happy, everything would work out and the company would grow.
My Core Values and Belief System
Although I was new to the Private Wealth industry in 1989, my values and belief system, as well as the experience I desired for my future “family of clients,” conflicted with the manner in which individuals had been treated by others in the industry for decades.
Specifically, I refused to accept the heavy commissions other advisors routinely charged for investments they recommended so I initiated a fee-only billing structure.
I also refused to participate in the typical conflict-of-interest-laden nature of recommendations with which others operated, so I set up a “goals-based” client service and financial planning model that put my “family of clients’” interests first.
Finally, the vast majority of the industry did not operate under a fiduciary standard in 1989 but I wanted to ensure my clients were confident they could trust that my recommendations were in their best interests, not mine, so I launched the firm as one of the first few hundred in the U. S. operating under a fiduciary standard.
Our Growth
In short, truly helping my fellow brothers and sisters was the cornerstone of my belief and value system and a non-negotiable part of the way I started and have built DiNuzzo Private Wealth over the past five decades.
Building DiNuzzo Private Wealth with integrity into what it is today—purely organically and without merging, acquiring, or otherwise “buying” growth—was in many ways a tough and long road at times.
Decades later, however, we have achieved my original vision of helping a tremendous and ever-expanding number of our “family of clients” and have grown to more than twenty “team family” members, serving clients in over 30 states across the USA, and managing $1.012 Billion Dollars in Assets Under Management as of December 31, 2024.
For this ongoing accomplishment I am very thankful and grateful for the trust that our “family of clients” at DiNuzzo Private Wealth have placed in me and our “team family.”
Establishing (and the Challenges with) “Minimums”
In 1989, I did not set an account minimum size requirement to do business with DiNuzzo Private Wealth. My first client gave me $2,000 to manage and I was very grateful.
When we started to experience growth and add team members, I established our first “minimum,” $100,000 per household, to help us get organized and develop a proper business structure and customized service model and standard.
I have been so appreciative that we have consistently attracted new like-minded people to our “team family” in whose personal DNA it is to treat clients’ best interests first and foremost.
With our continued ongoing success and more time, effort, money, and resources invested in our client relationships, we expanded the services we routinely offered to our “family of clients.” Over the decades, we began offering DiNuzzo Financial Wellness LifePlans™, Investment Planning, Investment Management, Tax Planning, Integrated Tax Preparation, Risk Management, and Client Service Specialists on top of the true Wealth Management services with which we started. As a result of the corresponding collective effort we committed to our “family of clients,” our household minimum grew to $250k, $500k, $1M, and, now, as of today, $2M.
Again, I am very grateful for how much we have grown, our wonderful “team family,” and our even more wonderful “family of clients.”
My Why
But the one thing that has lingered in my mind and challenged my values and belief system is helping my fellow brothers and sisters in need and those who have nothing: the original reason I founded the business.
I love the value that we add to our existing client relationships but what about people who can’t meet our minimum and, especially, what about people trying to turn their life around or those who have nothing?
This has weighed on me, since I stated earlier that I founded our business on the cornerstone of helping people. I think of the three most important women in my life, my Italian Grandma Rose, my Polish Grandma Anna, and my Mom Phyllis, along with my other relatives who migrated here from Italy and Poland to work in the steel mills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. What if they desperately needed guidance but didn’t have $2 Million dollars, which is a minimum that dozens of my relatives added together wouldn’t be able to accomplish?
I would never want to turn anyone of them, or any of my fellow brothers and sisters, down when they needed guidance and help just because they couldn’t meet my high minimum.
Paying it Forward
Fast forward to today. I founded Papi MindsetCoach™and Papi Coach de Mentalidad™ teaching and coaching service for exactly this reason and purpose. In addition to DiNuzzo Private Wealth’s traditional Wealth Management and Tax services, I focus on providing teaching and coaching services to underserved people, communities of color, single parent households, and women and children in need through Papi MindsetCoach™ and Papi Coach de Mentalidad™. Basically, focusing on our fellow brothers and sisters among us who are most in need. Most of them are truly starting out with or have nothing to their name, which is why the focus of my teaching is typically on their self-improvement, self-help, personal development, peace of mind, hope, and inspiration.
That is why I founded Papi MindsetCoach™ and Papi Coach de Mentalidad™. Through Papi MindsetCoach™ and Papi Coach de Mentalidad™, I am typically speaking, presenting, and collaborating with, or teaching individuals through, not-for-profit groups or organizations. And their needs are completely different than managing assets. What many of them truly desire is to rise out of poverty, hunger, fear, shame, hopelessness, and guilt, and turn around their lives, and manifest their Best-Life.
Our entire “team family” at DiNuzzo Private Wealth still keenly focuses on each individual client relationship, the same as we have since 1989. And will continue to do so. We are and will remain forever grateful for everything our clients have entrusted in us since 1989 and are honored to be able to pay it forward to underserved people, communities of color, single parent households, and women and children in need through Papi MindsetCoach™ and Papi Coach de Mentalidad™, in addition to the work we will continue to do through DiNuzzo Private Wealth.
It is just that now, as we evolve, give back, invest in our community family members in need, and pay forward our knowledge to a greater number of our fellow brothers and sisters in need, you may read about or come across this teaching and coaching service and wonder what it is and what we are doing.
Just know that our existing client relationships remain exactly the same as they have since 1989 but that this teaching and coaching service is our “Give a Fish … Teach to Fish … Delivering Hope,” charitable community outreach initiative to help those in need among us or those within our reach who currently have nothing or very little to their name.
My Personal Thank You
I thank all of you in advance for your current and continued support of my mission and our “team family’s” goal to our “Paying it Forward” Self-Improvement and Personal Development charitable outreach initiative, so we can deliver hope and inspiration to as many fellow brother and sisters of ours in need as we can.
My Companies

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